„Welcome to the Kingdom of Contrasts. A close-up view on China“
When you stroll through the megacity of Beijing, as a westerner you can tell at eyery junction that the Chinese are just different. In this book, Britta Heidemann vividly reports about her experiences with the Chinese on a walk through Beijing.
Further information and links: Verlagsseite
„Fortune is a Matter of Attitude – Strong for the battles of Life“
The fencing piste often enough is just like life: You face an opponent or a challenge on boths sides. How to get motivated, define goals or how to prepare for such a challenge is important in boths worlds. Mental strength and being able to face pressure as well as dealing with defeats are only some of the key success factors in fencing. Britta takes the reader on a journey through a fictive fencing match. So, are you "en garde"?
For further information and orders see Bastei-Lübbe. "Success is a matter of attitude" was first published in 2011. The completely edited reissue was published in 2016. Also available as e-book.